High Score On Idrag Paper What Exactly Will A High Score On The ASVAB Get Me? I Made A 92 On The Practice?

What exactly will a high score on the ASVAB get me? I made a 92 on the practice? - high score on idrag paper

I think that joining the Air Force had in the next 2 years, where I practice) I am a 92 (without studying. I know that if I actually studied and mechanical brushing my abilities, I could do much better. But this is an exceptional score was for me? In addition to her selection as more jobs go?


Ben said...

It can be seen by the promotion. Do not despair, do not be in vain!

allen w said...

Entry into the Air Force does what in your contract before you want to sign.
Scores, if there is more than qualified for jobs in the AF and you are ready, the AF .. Join
some areas have not opened all the work that we ask to go to other areas and the work that you want to learn and find about their basic training.
It tells you what is and what the results for the employment and training of qualified when they open, and if you can go.
They should ensure that everyone in your first contract before signing.
Even if you do not see well in your contract, so that if you get in school if you rank well in school and how you work faster in the pay scale for most. You can work on NCO SSchool or school of the SCO.
then try to figure out what you do in school before the examination to enjoy it, then work hard to get into theenlist-err, what you want in your contract before signing it, you can not say that the receive the school with his contract becausee it a number of reasons for the failure in this school can be used.

Highland... said...

A 92? Thats great. The ASVAB is the percentile means you scored over 92% of people who took it (99 is the greatest need be) to eliglbe of 50 or higher on the AFQT obtain the means they have a higher value than 50% of people to take the ASVAB. With 92 to indicate that nuclear weapons.

Archer said...

Nothing really. This is a qualification test to see if you can join the army. A 92 is at level II Basically you need a good end result, with a million things to the body that you want to receive ... Security checks, etc., etc.

20100210 19D Fort Knox said...


Scores on the line when we see what you qualify for the MOS.

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